We believe that every child will benefit
from a focus on mental well-being. 

Rye Youth Council is a non-profit resource for the entire community, collaborating with families, schools, healthcare providers, businesses, and government to promote social and emotional development, strengthen resilience, and support the mental health of our local youth.

Open Hearts. Healthy Minds.

At RYC, we elevate and prioritize the importance of mental well-being.

Mental and physical well-being are equally important. Our youth need both in order to be their strongest, healthiest selves. We advocate to keep mental well-being top of mind, and achievable for our youth.

  • Counseling

    Restore, our low-cost mental health counseling, provides short-term therapy to kids ages 5-22 to help youth navigate through times of emotional distress and develop a path forward with new skills and perspectives.

  • Youth Programs

    We help youth develop social and emotional competencies with programs designed to strengthen confidence, build resilience, and address the challenges which impact mental well-being.

  • Adult Programs

    We teach adults about the wide spectrum of social and emotional health and to know when, where, why, and how to seek help for children when needed. We offer support groups for parents whose kids struggle with social, emotional, mental, and behavioral health.

  • Managing Your Child's Behavior

    Join our licensed clinical social workers for a one-hour workshop to gain an understanding and skills to positivey impact your child’s behavior .

    How to build healthy communication with your child

    Developmentally appropriate interventions and consequences

    Skills to foster independent decision making

    Tips on how to manage common, challenging behaviors

    Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6 p.m. at Rye Presbyterian Church, OR

    Thursday, Jan. 30, 12 p.m. on Zoom.

  • Unlock The Leader in You

    Each day, Tuesday, February 18th through Thursday, February 20th from 10am-12pm, middle schoolers will learn leadership skills like confidence, communication, teamwork, problem-solving and more, all through active play, interactive games, and fun!

    “The activities we did were both interesting and enjoyable. I learned how to work with others as a team and listen to other people’s ideas. and, it was a lot of fun!” — Walt, 2024 attendee

  • RYC Restore Parent Support Groups

    Restore Parent Groups provide biweekly opportunities for parents and guardians to gather and discuss common parenting issues. These groups are facilitated by RYC Restore clinical counselors. Each session will address a specific parenting topic as well as provide open forum.

  • Join the Gratitude Challenge

    Practice Gratitude!

     (You'll be grateful that you made the change.)

    Emerging studies have reported that gratitude, mindfulness, and hopefulness are promising positive psychological tools that help an individual to cope with anxiety and stress and enhance psychological health and well-being. Begin your gratitude journey today! 

    Purchase a Gratitude Pack and begin enjoying the science-based impact of gratitude. If you live in the City of Rye or Rye Neck, we will deliver the pack to your home. You can also purchase these Gratitude Packs at select stores in downtown Rye, including Dabney Lee.  

    Each card in the Gratitude Challenge pack provides a daily prompt to increase your sense of wonder and gratitude.

  • Youth Mental Health First Aid for Adults

    This Certification course for adults teaches how to recognize and respond to emerging mental health and substance use challenges in crisis and non-crisis situations, This is for ANY adult who interacts with adolescents and teens.

    This course is offered several times each year. Register here and we will let you know when we are holding the next session.

  • Youth Employment Job Board

    Rye Youth Council provides a way for local businesses and organizations to offer employment and community service to local youth, and we make it easy for local youth to find available jobs and service opportunities.

  • 5th Annual Rainbow Run

    Thank you to the more than 295 kids who attended this year’s Rainbow Run at Rye Town Park. It was an awesome morning! We are grateful to our many sponsors who made this community event possible.

Watch our video

RYC’s video creates awareness of our program and support services that promote mental health and wellness. Please watch to see our programs in action!